Department of Health

Improving Care for Older People Program - Health Service Initiatives - Person centred practice

The second stage of the Improving Care for Older People (ICOP) program operated in Victoria from 2010 to 2013. Across Victoria, 35 public health services participated in the initiative, including all metropolitan health services. As part of the program, they were required to undertake initiatives to minimise the risk of functional decline in older patients and improve the provision of care in four areas:

  • Evidence-based environmental improvements
  • Organisation-wide policy development that provides a framework for improving care for older people across the organisation
  • Embedding the evidence base contained within The Toolkit to inform models of care to minimise functional decline for older people, with a focus on acute settings
  • Professional development activities to support workforce capacity building to better respond to the needs of older people in hospital settings

Outlined is a snapshot of the types of initiatives taken by health services relating to person centred practice.

Health Service

Requirement Addressed and Project Summary

Alfred Health

Models of Care - Developed an eLearning package on patient centered care combined with safety and quality responsibilities, with links to the Best Care for Older People Everywhere Toolkit

Bairnsdale Regional Health Service

Policy Development - Person-centred practice included in strategic plan, position descriptions and to be included in staff selection processes
Professional Development - One day person-centred care (PCC) workshop held; newsletter on person centred care and journey boards distributed to Nurse Unit Managers and ward staff

Ballarat Health Services

Policy Development - Patient Management Plan developed and implemented; inclusion of dementia and delirium assessment tools; requirement of patient and family involvement

Models of Care - Nursing Admission Plan developed and implemented; includes PCC principles

Models of Care, Professional Development - Introduction of Patient Experience Tracking system; education of staff; promotion of PCC principles

Barwon Health

Policy Development - Consumer and Person Centred Policy developed and implemented;

- PCC principles included in existing policies and guidelines, as well as strategic plan and annual statement of priorities

- ‘Doing it with us not to us’ policy reviewed by consumer Centred Committee and health literacy principles incorporated

- Development of Written Information (WISE) Policy and Procedure across organisation – including templates for providing written consumer information and implementation of consumer participation process for all consumer information

Professional Development - Factsheets on all Toolkit domains based on PCC principles distributed across organisation – displayed on wards’ education boards

Central Gippsland Health Service

Policy Development - Development and implementation of Care Coordination Model across service – based on the Improving care for Older People (ICOP) framework and the Toolkit. Person centred care model – based on patient identified goals

- Consumer and Carer Chronic Disease Network provides ongoing feedback to Care Coordination project

- All patients provided with Consumer Information Booklet and encouraged to provide feedback. Closely aligned with Consumer Advocate position (ongoing)

- ICOP principles embedded in Care Coordination, Service Delivery Planning and Intake Process policies and procedures – overarching policies and inform others

Models of Care - Development and implementation of Care Coordination Model across service – based on ICOP framework and the Toolkit. Person centred care model – based on patient identified goals

Professional Development - Introduction of Care Coordinator roles (previously assessment officers)

- Care coordinators, Intake Officers and other clinical staff trained via the online program in Central Gippsland Health Service. Care coordination model based on national qualifications with a focus on integrating PCC principles and the ICOP framework

Colac Area Health

Policy Development - ‘Doing it with us not for us’ policy

Models of Care - Work on improving discharge processes including planning and communication with patients

Models of Care - Ongoing development of patient/consumer brochures on specific services incorporating PCC principles

Professional Development - Orientation and Graduate Nurse Program updated to include ICOP principles and NSQHS standards, with inclusion of person centred care principles

East Grampians Health Service

Policy Development - ICOP principles embedded in policies: Person Centred Care policy implemented

Professional Development - Education on use of Patient Experience Tracking System

Eastern Health

Policy Development - The Charter of Rights for Older Patients was formally launched in December 2012 and addresses the attitudes, behaviours and practices of staff in their direct interactions with older people and is used to inform the planning, design and provision of the services accessed by older patients

Models of Care - PCC emphasised in the Productive Ward Program

Professional development - Professional development, education and training with the implementation of the Charter of Rights for Older Patients

Latrobe Regional Hospital

Policy Development - ICOP principles embedded into policies across organisation including PCC policy

Professional Development - Two ICOP Conferences held – Person Centred Care and Everyone’s Business – Best Care for Older People (BCOP)

Melbourne Health

Models of Care – BCOP champion program: 13 champions received Lean Six Sigma training

Models of Care - Introduction of BCOP volunteer program

Professional Development - Development of BCOP learning kits – aligned with National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards (NSQHSS), education will continue beyond life of program, packages available on the intranet

- Development of audio visual resource “Lola’s Story” – emphasising the patient experience

- 15 in-service sessions on PCC

- Quality Improvement showcase raised profile of BCOP champion work

Northern Health

Policy Development, Models of Care - BCOP input into development of organisation wide Vision, Mission, Values statement, Admission Policy and Model of Care for the Older Inpatient

Models of Care - PCC patient brochure developed – Continuing Your Care at Northern Health – with PCC focus; was translated into 7 languages

- PCC nurse rounding being trialled (post BCOP) and NH wide rollout planned

Peninsula Health

Models of Care - Person Centred Care

  • Staff member travelled to USA on PCC study tour with Victorian Quality Council funding
  • PCC workshops with strategic focus will continue post ICOP and plays a large part in development of strategic plan to 2017
  • PCC principles embedded in Position Descriptions templates including Community Advisory Groups/Consumer Advisory Groups, executives etc
  • PCC a formal component of orientation to PH

Portland District Health

Policy Development - Person-Centred Care Policy developed and implemented

- Consumer Participation Policy reviewed to ensure inclusion of ICOP principles and implemented

Models of Care - Development of models of care based on toolkit domains of assessment, person centred care and continence – introduced and embedded into sub-acute and acute wards

- Clinical champion for preventing functional decline with focus on PCC and assessment – role in educating staff on these domains

- Auditing to ensure nursing staff have patients sign their care plans as measure of inclusion in decision making

South West Healthcare

Policy Development - Review of existing policies to include person centred care approach: Volunteer Implemented Patient Engagement Regime (VIPER); Cognition, Dementia, Delirium, Depression Assessment and Care; Improving Care for Older Persons; Assessment and Screening; Music Therapy Program; Key Contact Person; Mobility, Vigour and Self Care; Communal Dining

- Inclusion of a consumer stakeholder on Improving Care for Older Persons Steering Committee

Stawell Regional Health

Models of Care - Patient Experience Tracking System implemented to flag areas for improvement

West Gippsland Healthcare Group

Policy Development - Person Centred Care Policy developed and implemented

Models of Care - Efforts to engage consumers and encourage participation

Western District Health Service

Policy Development - Acute Care Framework including Person Centred Care focus developed and implemented

- Partnering with Consumers policy developed and implemented (person centred care and consumer participation)

- PCC included in orientation manual for staff and volunteers

Professional Development - Person centred care and ICOP principles included in orientation package

- Education provided on person centred care to 50 staff; clinical championship to 16 staff; comprehensive assessment to 9 staff

- Representation of older people on Consumer Advisory Committee

Western Health

Models of Care - Engaged volunteers in establishing the Time To Talk program and to complete the ‘About Me’ tool

Professional Development – Western Health held the great debate in May 2013 to highlight minimising functional decline and practicing PCC is everybody’s role.

Wimmera Health Care Group

Policy Development - Patient Charter of Healthcare Rights Policy, Consumer Participation Policy both in operation

- All new or revised policies and procedures to include person-centred care statement – this is ongoing

- All clinical pathways include statement on patient/family/carer involvement

Models of Care - Person Centred Care development and roll-out across organisation and promotion of booklet “Nothing about me without me”

- Implementation of Patient Experience Tracker System to monitor feedback in real time - initially in use on acute ward

- Patient Information Directory includes information/brochures on person-centred care and ‘10 tips for safer healthcare’

Professional Development - Patient Charter of Healthcare Rights and Person Centred Care included as Mandatory Competencies for all staff; training days for Mandatory Competencies commenced

- Position Descriptions include person centred care statement

- Person centred care included in orientation program

Reviewed 12 November 2015


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