Department of Health

A recipe for food safety - Step 1 - Preparation

    Step 1, preparation. This step is about being prepared for a food safety assessment at your business. This means you and your staff are ready to discuss and demonstrate to the EHO how you prepare and handle foods safely. To demonstrate your knowledge of high risk foods, you can highlight them on your menu. If you don't have a menu for your business, you can make one or simply have a list of the high-risk foods you sell. To assist you in discussing your food processes, you can use a flowchart or just a list that notes all the different process steps you take for each of your high-risk menu items. This can include steps such as storage, preparation, cooking, and reheating for example. Remember, your EHO can provide you with advice, information, and a wide range of food safety resources. For further information about what we have discussed in this video, please visit Food Safety to access your copy of a recipe for Food Safety: A Food Safety Management Tool for Food Businesses. Step 2, food Safety Management is the next video in this series.

    Reviewed 19 September 2023